Having the right infrastructure to support your business’s technology is an absolute necessity in today’s digital age. However, navigating what is actually needed versus what may be an extra splurge can be difficult, especially without the right guidance.Here are some steps that can help simplify the process so you’re not wasting resources.
1. Audit
The first step is to assess the technology you’re already using. What technology do you currently have implemented and how is it helping your company achieve its goals? Ighty Support conducts IT Audits to evaluate your current systems to see what items in your system are operating well and which ones may be holding you behind. Remember to evaluate the tech in every department and discuss it with your team, since they may have suggestions for ideas to streamline certain processes. Having an idea of how your technology is affecting your business now can help you make the right choices to adopt technology that will work to grow your business.
2. Opt for Scalable Technology
Viewing your technology as an investment is crucial. Ideally, the goal is to replace your technology as infrequently as possible, so you need to prioritize devices that will help you both today and in the future. One way to avoid making a permanent commitment to certain hardware is to lease equipment to test it before making a final decision.
3. Need over Want
It seems like every day there is a cool new gadget and as tempting as it might be, this typically leads to a less efficient tech setup and greater costs in your investment Prioritize needs first over what may be cool. This will help you reach your goals, without wasting time and money.
Ighty Support offers IT Audits, IT Consultations, and Managed IT Services to help evaluate your infrastructure, provide guidance, and install and repair IT hardware or software to ensure that you’re not stuck with technology that keeps you stuck in the past. With over a decade of experience serving the DFW metroplex, we’ll ensure that you get exactly what you need. For a free consultation call us at (972) 200-3219 TODAY!