For the month of August, Ighty Support is proud to...
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Even big brand names had their fair share of holiday season downtimes due to various failures and issues. In these few mad rush hours, a downtime of a few minutes could still cost Millions of dollars to the organization. So here we’re focusing on how you could ensure that your IT infrastructure is well prepared for the holiday season. Below list is without any order of importance.
1. Ensure that your technology can handle an extra surge during the holiday.season. Don’t guess and push your infrastructure past its limits.
2. Automate migrations so that you can store all your information in the cloud.
3. Ensure that you have enough storage space for surges in data.
4. Update software’s to ensure they’re up to date.
5. Set up a plan B. If there are certain emergencies, create a disaster plan – just in case.
6. Optimize data transfers and syncs.
7. Test your infrastructure. If your infrastructure can’t handle chaotic situations, it needs to be improved.
8. Have 24/7 support available for rescue aka Ighty Support!