Ensuring that your IT infrastructure is safe and secure should be a top priority for your company. More and more, we see that businesses fall victim to ransomware. This can cause money and time to be lost. Having a plan to prevent and recover from ransomware should be a priority. Below, we’ve provided a list with the essentials to help protect your business from serious ransomware damage.
1. Implement and Manage a Firewall on Servers
2. Manage Default Accounts on Enterprise Assets and Software
3. Use Unique Passwords
4. Disable Dormant Accounts
5. Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts
6. Establish an Access Granting/Revoking Process
7. Require Multi-Factor Authentication
8. Perform Automated Operating System and Application Patch Management
9. Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
10. Deploy and Maintain Anti-Malware Software
11. Train and Team Members to recognize security attacks
12. Designate Personal to Manage Emergency Incident
13. Collect & Store Audit Logs
14. Perform Automated Backups
15. Establish & Maintain a Data Recovery Process